Title: The Settlers 2: Gold Edition Genre: Strategy – Real-time – Fantasy Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11) Features: single-player – multi-player Released: August 31, 1996 Company: Blue Byte Studio / Ubisoft

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FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS – Includes the original The Settlers® II: Veni, Vidi, Vici and the Mission CD expansion – Considered by most fans to be the best part of the Settlers® series – Complex, yet intuitive economics make this one of the most addictive games of all time This game is powered by DOSBox.

Video/s from the Game: No trailers at the moment The Settlers 2: Gold Edition (c) Blue Byte Studio / Ubisoft Build your kingdom with the help of hunters, soldiers, shipbuilders and more at your command. Develop elaborate settlements from a variety of over 25 different building types. Face the challenge of 49 different maps or use the easy-to-use map editor to create your own additional new worlds with dense forests, mighty volcanoes, vast mountains and more. Construct a fleet of ships, to explore uncharted waters and supply provisions to new islands. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/the_settlers_2_gold_edition How to Easily Download & Install The Settlers 2: Gold Edition

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Size: 334.8 MB The Settlers 2: Gold Edition (GOG) Size: 315.8 MB The Settlers 2: Gold Edition (GOG)