Title: Pajama Sam Vol. 1 Genre: Adventure – Educational – Puzzle Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8) Release date: January 1, 1996 Company: Humongous Entertainment / Retroism

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FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS • Challenging games for children of all ages • Colorful and expressive characters • Hundreds of click-point surprises • New puzzles and challenges each time you play

Pajama Sam Vol. 1 (c) Humongous Entertainment / Retroism Sam is a little scared of the dark until he turns into the world’s youngest superhero Pajama Sam. Now he sets out to confront his fear of darkness and thunderstorm. Join the midnight quest to shed some light on Sam’s mysterious closet, and travel to World Wide Weather, the storm-stirring factory in the sky! More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/pajama_sam_vol_1 How to Easily Download & Install

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Size: 306 MB Pajama Sam Vol. 1 [GOG]