Title: Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2 Genre: Adventure – Role-playing – Fantasy Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: November 19, 2021 Company: Lonely Troops / Lonely Troops

About This Game

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FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS – Explore Explore beautiful isometric views including calm woods, dark undergrounds and the majestic city. – Quest Meet various characters, talk to them about their needs and help them by collecting specific items, rescuing their relatives or let them join you on your quest. – Learn You can’t save the kingdom just by picking flowers. You have to learn new skills. Farming, fishing, digging, carpentry, but also fighting. – Fight Be ready to fight your way to victory. From small rats to huge ogres, there are many evil monsters ready to stop you. – Collect Find and collect dozens of useful items. Manage your inventory, trade with merchants and craft various potions.

Video/s from the Game:

Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2 (c) Lonely Troops / Lonely Troops You, the princess, are having a small adventure outside the city walls. Meanwhile, the city is in flames, due to the attack of unknown monsters. You can’t lie idle. You must save your people, gain allies to fight by your side against evil and become a heroic princess. More info here: https://www.gog.com/en/game/hero_of_the_kingdom_the_lost_tales_2 How to Easily Download & Install

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Size: 245.72 MB Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2 v1.02 [GOG]

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