Title: Gunborg: Dark Matters Genre: Shooter – Arcade – Platformer Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: March 4, 2022 Company: Rickard Paulsson / ORBMIT Productions

About This Game

Additional Information

FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS – Move with the keyboard and aim with the mouse, or play Gunborg: Dark Matters as a twin-stick shooter using your gamepad. The unique control scheme allows for platforming and 360° aiming at the same time. – Armed with a fierce energy blade, a powerful shield and a jetpack, you will have to traverse the many traps and hazards scattered throughout the ship and destroy any foe that stands in your way. Run, jump, and wall slide your way through a variety of levels, each with their own challenges. – Level the playing field by using the weapons of your fallen enemies while deflecting and blocking enemy attacks with your shield. – Create a combat chain by killing enemies in quick succession and become infused with dark energy that causes weapons to become more powerful and shoot differently. Collect the many info-bots scattered throughout the ship to unlock additional content, including levels and a hardcore difficulty setting.

Video/s from the Game:

Gunborg: Dark Matters (c) Rickard Paulsson / ORBMIT Productions Harness the power of dark energy as you jump, slash, shoot and bombard your way through an army of alien soldiers and killer robots in an arcade style, twin-stick shooter with a slick 80’s synthwave soundtrack. More info here: https://www.gog.com/en/game/gunborg_dark_matters

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Size: 800.06 MB Gunborg: Dark Matters v1.0 [GOG]

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